Thursday, July 5, 2012

Artist Analysis - Iceman: Perpetual Release

Here's link to the document -
PDF  :

It's a word document so just tell it to "open" on your computer. If I need to make it a PDF I have no problem doing that.

I'm going to try and post these from the perspective of someone who doesn't know the artist. Like trying to tell who a person is by entering their room without them being there. What do the objects there tell us about the person?

What does the artist's gallery tell us about the artist?

I attempt to supply as many examples as feasible, I'm not used to using art as references. I was an English major (literary focus) so I'm used to being able to QUOTE from textual sources.

Hopefully these exercises help me limber up with my analyses again. I was a bit rusty on this one when I should have blown this fucker out of the water (I will try to do so with Hotcha. He's next.). Still I think you'll find it insightful and maybe even realize something you didn't think of before.

Because it may be smut, but it's rarely JUST smut. Ya know?

Disclaimer: I don't care if you love this artist or he/she saved your momma from a motheruckin' fire on a mountain made of rabid wolf ghosts. If you disagree bring up evidence and points to back up what you say. If you agree and want to share an insight, that's great too. If you think I was too rough or too nice then say so and back up what you say. I don't want anyone coming up to me White Knighting on behalf of their favorite artists because I'm so "unfair". Critiques aren't compliments nor are they kangaroo courts. If you're the artist feel free to speak, but back up what YOU say with evidence as well.

Seriously, act like adults. If you can't then mosey along.

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