Friday, October 15, 2010

That 70's Show ROADTRIP!!!

The one I thought looked most like the character I was going for.

What a cast of sluts.


  1. Hyde was hot. In fact I thought both he and Topher and Fes were cuter than Ashton.

    And yea- it really does look like him... although your Ashton's are pretty spot-on.

  2. Are you serious?! Looking back on these I kept feeling that Ashton's was actually the worst out of all of them ^^;

    I thought "Know will know this is Ashton Kutcher"...your comment fills me with good vibes, dude ^^

    And yes the other 3 were way hotter (and I am of course partial to Fez)

  3. they say fes is hung. LiLo let it slip on some interview and they got wind of it on Stern and grilled him about it when he was on.
